Help Celebrate Gay Mills!
January 26, 2023 was declared “Gay Mills Day” by the City of Rochester and Monroe County.
You can watch the remarks at her retirement celebration here (link).
Gay sharing a story about the shoreline trees at Cornwall Preserve.
Gay Mills was part of Genesee Land Trust since the very earliest days and served as Executive Director for almost 25 years. She “raised” the land trust right along with her 3 kids, growing it from a scrappy volunteer organization with no budget into a thriving community of 1,200+ people and a budget of more than $1 Million. Gay and Genesee Land Trust have greatly helped the people, land and water in the greater Rochester region - and we will continue to do so.
Gay concluded her tenure on Feb 3.
To celebrate Gay’s contributions, we have created the Gay Mills Land Protection Fund. We invite you to make a gratitude gift, if you’re so moved. All proceeds will go to strengthening the land trust overall, per her wishes.
Gay also received the 2022 Activism Award from the Community Design Center of Rochester.