A Proposed State Park at High Falls:Overview & Updates
In January of 2022, Governor Hochul announced $6 million in proposed funding to create a NYS Park at High Falls in downtown Rochester. Genesee River Alliance, a Land Trust project, is gathering community feedback.
It has been more than 100 years since people could regularly access the beautiful Genesee River gorge in downtown Rochester. Thanks to community and city advocacy, a new state park will be created after Rochester Gas and Electric cleans the sites. The current plan includes 40 acres of open space starting at High Falls and moving 3/4 mile north along both sides of the Genesee River. Check out the state poster overview of the project.
2025 (estimated): RG&E will begin remediation to clean up the land on the east side of the gorge, which includes fixing a road to the site; it is expected to take 2 years
2023: RG&E will began remediation to clean up the land on the west side of the gorge, near the base of High Falls; it is expected to take 2 years
Early 2023: State re-opens call for design proposals; final design team selection expected later in year
September 30, 2022: 150+ people visit the base of High Falls during a special walk led by Greentopia, Tour Blend and Genesee River Alliance, with info sessions from the state and RG&E
July 12, 2022: 1st Community Input session held at Ibero community center in El Camino neighborhood
May 2022: Initial concept images are shared with public
January 2022: Gov. Hochul announces $6M in initial funding to begin planning
Initial Site Renderings by Trowbridge Wolf Michaels Landscape Architects:
A rendering of the proposed High Falls State Park shows the 40 acres looking southwest. The Smith Street Bridge is shown with the Pont de Rennes pedestrian bridge and the falls on the upper left. The draft concept shows various vehicular access, a new pedestrian river crossing, trails, an amphitheater and open space.
A site plan concept shows greater detail about the proposed High Falls state park, with space set aside for an urban ecology center, riverbank access, a restored meadow, industrial ruins and more.
A rendering of the proposed High Falls State Park shows a possible river-level view of the falls looking south at the base of the Genesee River gorge. A view from the base of the 96-foot-tall waterfall has not been open to the public for more than 100 years. RG&E has a power station to the side of the falls.
A conceptual rendering of the High Falls Waterworks Building and vertical access to the river gorge from the west side shows all-glass elevator shafts. The structure would connect people to a proposed state park down at the river level.
A rendering of the proposed 40-acre High Falls State Park shows potential river access.
A rendering of the proposed High Falls State Park depicts what the trails and river access could be once completed. The east side of the park - near the El Camino community - is envisioned as a quieter space and could have a large lawn for outdoor concerts like the RPO.
Park Site, Fall 2022: