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Geological Tour at Seth Green Park

  • Genesee Land Trust 93 Seth Green Drive Rochester, NY, 14621 United States (map)
Photo by Ron Andrews

Join Genesee River Alliance and Tyler Lucero, an environmental science educator, for a Geological Tour at Seth Green. On this one mile walk we’ll “read” the 450 million year geologic story of this area from the rock layers that have been revealed by the Genesee River carving out the gorge at Lower Falls. We may even find some fossils! Walking this hidden Lower Falls access route will reveal the hidden history of our region- mountains, oceans, glaciers, and more.

This is a guided family, stroller and pet-friendly walk. All ages and abilities are encouraged to join us. Please dress appropriately for walking and the weather (sturdy footwear, and clothing to accommodate the temperature). Please bring a reusable water bottle.

Free parking is available at the Seth Green Drive parking lot where we will also meet. Contact Helen Dumas at with questions.

There is a limited number of spots for each walk, so please register using the buttons below to secure your place.