3 Genesee River Winter Walks to Enjoy

There’s nothing like the crunch of snow under your boots and the sparkle of icicles hanging from bare tree branches on a winter’s day.  And did you know being in cold air can help reduce stress by increasing endorphins (mood-boosting hormones) in your body? Being outside in the cold also burns more calories as your body works to keep you warm.

Dress for the weather, pack a thermos or water bottle, and take your friends and family for a winter walk at these 3 special places along the Genesee River.  And when you go, check out the free Audio Tours along the River created by Tour Blend with the Genesee River Alliance. Learn more and get links to iPhone and Android versions at  https://tourblend.com. Links to specific tours are included in the descriptions below.

Large tree with bare branches and snow on the ground

Genesee Valley Park

Getting there: Park near the Sports Complex 131 Elmwood, in Rochester.

Description: The Genesee Riverway Trail is a flat, mostly paved trail with many routes through the park. Follow along the River to the Waldo J Nelson Bridge, cross the river, follow the Erie Canal Heritage Trail and then loop by the pavilions and back over the River.

Designed by famed landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, who also designed Central Park in New York City, Genesee Valley Park is perfect for exploring, cross country skiing, and more. The park highlights three intersecting waterways: Red Creek, Genesee River, and the Erie Canal. 

Learn more at: “All Along the Genesee River” https://tourblend.stqry.app/1/tour/2482.

Genesee River South Loop

Getting there: Street parking is available on Exchange Blvd. or Mt. Hope Ave. near the Ford Street Bridge, in Rochester.

Description: This 2-mile paved loop starts at the Ford Street Bridge and heads south along the west bank of the river then returns on the east side of the River. You’ll enjoy scenic views of the river and Rochester skyline along this walk. You’ll also pass the Vacuum Oil site where petroleum-based lubricants were created, which led to the invention of gasoline-powered automobiles. Unfortunately, these toxic chemicals created a brownfield, so please stay on the trail.  You’ll cross the converted railroad bridge and head back to Ford Street.

For audio tour:  https://tourblend.stqry.app/en/tour/2478

EcoLoop at High Falls

Getting there: Park at High Falls Garage, 262 State St. in RochesterFrom the garage, walk to the newly re-opened Pont de Rennes Bridge. You can also take RTS Lake Avenue Bus #22 to Platt St.

Description: You’ll get spectacular views of High Falls from two different bridges as you walk through Rochester’s historic original industrial district. Learn about the world’s first marshmallow factory and recycling in Rochester from more than 100 years ago. Look out over the gorge where the new High Falls State Park will be built over the next few years.  

Follow the 1.3-mile walk and audio tour co-created by Greentopia at https://tourblend.stqry.app/1/tour/2473

Photos by Nigel P. Kent, Susan Orr, and Adam Montoya.